Berikut gambar-gambar yang sempat dirakam semasa pengkebumian Allahyarham YB Roslan Shaharum di mana talkin dibacakan oleh Menteri Besar Perak, Dato' Seri Ir. Hj. Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin.. Lebih 7000 yang hadir ke pengkebumian tersebut termasuk YAB Ir. Hj. Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin dan isteri, DSAI, YB Mahfuz Omar, YB Azmin Ali, YB Salahuddin Ayub, YB Dr. Hatta Ramli, YB Dr. Mujahid Yusuf Rawa, YB Khalil Idham Lim, YB Lee Boon Chye, dan ramai lagi yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu persatu... Semoga roh Allahyarham YB Roslan Shaharum dicucuri rahmat oleh Allah S.W.T dan ditempatkan bersama para solihin.. Al-Fatihah.. Talqin oleh YAB Nizar)
Allah's Words..
Mari Cuba Try Test Baja POWER!
Blog Headlines
Monday, February 9, 2009
Al Fatihah.. Sekitar Pengkebumian Allahyarham YB Roslan Shaharum
Friday, April 11, 2008
Renungan Buat HambaNya....
Dalam Kita Melangkah, Terkadang Kita Diuji Dengan Ujian yang Terasa Berat Hingga Kita Terduduk dan Menangis... Peritnya Amat Terasa...
Monday, April 7, 2008
Foods That Represent Your Organs.. SubhanAllah..
Eggplant, Avocadoes and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this?.... It takes exactly 9 months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Can you tell?
Situation 1:
Imagine 4 people were put like the picture above. A wearing yellow hat and is sitting behind the wall and cannot see the other 3 people. B were sitting in front of the wall wearing red hat. C is wearing a yellow hat and D is wearing a red hat. All of them did not know what color is the hat that they are wearing. They were wearing their hats while they are blindfolded. They were regulated not to tell their friends the colors of their friends hat or asking them for theirs. They cannot turn their back. They can only look straight from the position of their sittings. What they only know is 4 of them are wearing 2 red hats and 2 yellow hats. Each of them were asked to determine what color are their own hat and gave a theory to strengthen their answers. A did not know what color is his hat. He also did not know each of the other 3 persons hat. B is in the same situation of A because he only can stare the wall. Whereas C can see what color of hat is B wearing. D can see both B & C hats. So, maybe he has a bigger chance on building a theory for his hat color or maybe not.
Situation 2:
A person will come to each one of them and ask them base on their situation, can they determine a theory of what colors of their hats are they wearing. Lets name him The Host. All four of them are able to hear each of the persons conversation between the host. The host will ask A. “Do you know what color of your hat?”. Of course A will answer no because he is sitting in front of the wall and cannot see the other 3 person. The host will ask B the same question. B will answer no also. The host then go to C & D asking the same question. But both of them asnwer no. After 5 minutes, the host ask four of them the same question again. But this time there is only one person have the answer. Can you tell which person is that and why? Common guys, put your answer in the comments below. Lets see who can answer this riddle.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Permit Penerbitan Akhbar Pakatan Rakyat..
Statement rasmi yang akan dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Perdana Menteri:
Per:Permit Penerbitan Akhbar Pakatan Rakyat
Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, adalah dengan dukacitanya Kerajaan BN terpaksa memaklumkan kepada Pakatan Rakyat bahawa permohonan Pakatan Rakyat untuk menerbitkan akhbar sendiri terpaksa di tolak atas sebab-sebab yang berikut:
1. Masyarakat Malaysia akan bertambah majmuk dan bersatu padu;
2. Menyebabkan Pemimpin Kerajaan mengalami kerugian ber Trillion ringgit kerana tidak dapat menipu rakyat;
3. Menyebabkan rakyat semakin cakna akan penipuan Barisan Nasional;
4. Menyebabkan Pemimpin tertekan untuk memenjarakan kroni-kroninya lantaran pendedahan berlebihan dari akhbar Pakatan Rakyat;
5. Menyebabkan amalan rasuah, yang menjadi tunjang pemerintahan kerajaan BN sukar untuk di teruskan lagi;
6. Menyukarkan kerajaan BN untuk terus memenangi kerusi-kerusi DUN dan Parlimen dalam Pilihanraya ke-13 kerana segala salah laku dan pecah amanah oleh SPR akan didedahkan;
7. Menyukarkan kerajaan BN untuk terus memerintah kerana dasar pecah perintah berdasarkan perkauman akan menemui kegagalan;
8. Menyedarkan rakyat yang selama ini BN tidak telus, tidak ikhlas dan tidak jujur dalam mentadbir kerajaan;
9. Kerajaan akan rugi berbillion ringgit setahun untuk menjelaskan kepada rakyat mengapa harga barang naik, yuran sekolah naik, petrol naik, gaji tak naik semata-mata kerana dakyah palsu dari PR bahawa semua harga boleh di turunkan;
10.Kerajaan tidak dapat meneruskan kempen Islam Hadhari dengan jayanya kerana Sudut Agama dalam akhbar PR akan mendedahkan serta membahaskan kepincangan Islam Hadari itu.
Setelah kajian secara terperinci telah dilakukan oleh kerajaan BN, dengan ini kerajaan terpaksa memutuskan untuk tidak memberi permit mencetak sebarang akhbar rasmi PR. Malahan kerajaan BN juga sedang menimbangkan untuk menarik balik permit yang telah tersalah beri kepada PAS untuk menerbitkan Harakah.
Sekian untuk makluman dan tindakan tuan jua,
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri